The Mission/ East Village

  • USA
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Descrição do imóvel

San Diego restaurateurs Fay Nakanishi, Deborah Helm and Thomas Fitzpatrick, are the trio that founded The Mission restaurants in 1995. The founders built a community landmark which has been enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. In April of 2021, the founders sold The Mission restaurants to a multi-concept restaurant group that fell in love with what the founders created. New ownership has retained management and most of its crew and is determined to continue the Mission tradition of doing well while doing good in its communities.

Despite the numerous challenges we have all faced these past two years new ownership is committed to keeping the core values and traditions alive including the highest quality, locally sourced ingredients, one of kind unique dishes, excellent customer service and to do well while doing good in our communities.

Compartilhe agora

$40.00 USD

Valor por ação

Cotas disponíveis: 1999

1 Investidores | $40.00 USD (0.05%)
  • Tipo de investimento Uma vez
  • Lucro 7%
  • Cronograma de Lucro Repeat (Renda Semanal)
  • Repetição de lucro 32 Dias
  • Lucro de volta 7 dias após o investimento
  • Capital de volta Nao
Corretor Geral
Liling Jinghua
Online há 1 mês
  • 224 Propriedades
  • China
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