Sharaf DG

  • Dubai
Descrição do imóvel
Since its inception in 2005, Sharaf DG has come a long way and achieved many milestones to become one of the leading powerhouse retailers in the region. UAE’s first ever Big-Box concept started its journey as a 15,000 sq ft electronics store in Dubai. The brand’s perseverance and hard work has paid off with 30 stores in United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt & Oman today and more in the offing.
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$20.00 USD

Valor por ação

Cotas disponíveis: 200

0 Investidores | $0.00 USD (0%)
  • Tipo de investimento Uma vez
  • Lucro 9%
  • Cronograma de Lucro Repeat (Renda diaria)
  • Repetição de lucro 30 Dias
  • Lucro de volta 1 dias após o investimento
  • Capital de volta Nao
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