Covewood Restaurant

  • USA
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Descrição do imóvel
Pacific breezes and fire features create an intimate indoor/outdoor atmosphere for indulging in the local bounty at Covewood. Fresh seafood and wood-grilled vegetables are paired with local wines and food-friendly cocktails while tactile elements of leather and linen convey an understated luxury, translating our barefoot-chic ethos into an exceptional dining experience.
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$10.00 USD

Valor por ação

Cotas disponíveis: 2995

5 Investidores | $50.00 USD (0.17%)
  • Tipo de investimento Uma vez
  • Lucro 8 - 15%
  • Cronograma de Lucro Uma vez
  • Lucro de volta 7 dias após o investimento
  • Capital de volta Sim
Corretor Geral
Liling Jinghua
Online há 1 mês
  • 224 Propriedades
  • China
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